Hotel Reservation

Hotel and price specifications for conference:

Hotel Room type Price
King Palm Tower Twin Room with City/Garden View CNY 630/Night(Breakfast included, with a maximum of two breakfasts)
King Palm Tower King Room with City/Garden View CNY 630/Night(Breakfast included, with a maximum of two breakfasts)
Coconut Tower Twin Room with City/Garden View CNY 480/Night(Breakfast included, with a maximum of two breakfasts)
Coconut Tower King Room with City/Garden View CNY 480/Night(Breakfast included, with a maximum of two breakfasts)
Kapok Tower Twin Room with City/Garden View CNY 450/Night(Breakfast included, with a maximum of two breakfasts)
Kapok Tower King Room with City/Garden View CNY 450/Night(Breakfast included, with a maximum of two breakfasts)

Hotel reservation method:

1. Scan the QR code below on WeChat to book a room

2. Choose the accommodation time, select the hotel and room according to your needs, book and pay.



Special note:
1) Successful payment is considered as successful booking
2) Regarding cancellation of reservation:

Free cancellation before October 16th
Cancellations before October 24th require relevant documents (such as flight cancellation certificate or explanation provided by the company)
Cancellations are not allowed after October 24th

3) Cancel the reservation,please contact Manager Xu at 13136004503. The cancellation and refund process for hotels is cumbersome and time-consuming.

Registration Submission