[Poster Presentation]HiST: A New Detection Method for Chromosomal Translocations Based on Matrix Spectral Density of Hi-C Data

HiST: A New Detection Method for Chromosomal Translocations Based on Matrix Spectral Density of Hi-C Data
ID:121 Submission ID:83 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2024-10-28 14:14:58 Hits:322 Poster Presentation

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HiST(Hi-C Spectral method for Translocation detection) is a novel algorithm for detecting chromosomal translocations from Hi-C data, using matrix spectral density to eliminate A/B compartment effects and structural information entropy to pinpoint translocation boundaries. Without reliance on pre-computed matrices, HiST is applicable to various species, including humans and yeast. The algorithm has been successfully applied to 124 samples across 7 cancer types, demonstrating its accuracy and reliability in diverse genomic contexts. HiST's performance has been validated by FISH and PCR experiments. Furthermore, it is compatible with data from various Hi-C derivative techniques, including single-cell Hi-C data. HiST's robust performance across different species, cancer types, and data types positions it as a universal tool for structural variation detection.
Access the tool at: https://github.com/dtzxyangq/HiSTra.
Hi-C,single cell Hi-C,Chromosomal translocation,structural entropy,matrix spectral density,Cancer
研究生 军事医学研究院

Submission Author
杨骞 军事医学研究院
罗雅文 军事医学研究院
江修宇 军事医学研究院
许翔 军事医学研究院
任超 军事医学研究院
周喆 军事医学研究院
陈河兵 军事医学研究院
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