[Poster Presentation]Hyper Chromatin-hubs attract other regulatory elements to form complex and stable interaction structures to regulate cell differentiation in mammals

Hyper Chromatin-hubs attract other regulatory elements to form complex and stable interaction structures to regulate cell differentiation in mammals
ID:131 Submission ID:71 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2024-10-28 14:15:00 Hits:324 Poster Presentation

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Abstract: The simultaneous engagement of multiple transcription factors (TFs) within open chromatin regions is a prevalent phenomenon in mammalian cells. However, the mechanisms by which TF cooperation modulates 3D genome architecture remain poorly understood. In this study, we performed ATAC-seq on different cells and tissues from humans, mice, and pigs to identify open chromatin regions (OCRs) and footprints, which represent transcription factor (TF) binding sites. We observed that a fraction of OCRs have numerous of TF binding, which possess a fine span length (300-5000bp) but can attract cis-regulatory elements to form more distant, stronger and structurally more complex chromatin interactions, we termed as "Hyper Chromatin-hubs (HChubs)". Interestingly, analysis of the motif characteristics of TFs binding in HChubs revealed that the strength of interactions between regulatory elements depends on the similarity of the TFs they bind, which enables HChubs with multiple TFs to act as attractors, thus forming more stable and complex interaction structures. Further joint analysis with RNA-seq showed that the HChubs are associated with higher gene transcriptional activity. Additionally, using differentiating myoblast cells as a model, we found that the gain or loss of footprints for muscle lineage-specific TFs (e.g., MyoD/MyoG, Cebpb, and Max) in HChub can affect chromatin looping and regulate cell differentiation. Moreover, Cebpb and MyoG were found to interact with MyoD and enhance its binding, as revealed by localization analysis among TFs within HChubs. Collectively, these insights enhance our comprehension of the role of TF interactions in 3D genome architecture and pivotal biological processes within mammalian systems.
Transcription factors, 3D genome, Transcription regulation, Cell differentiation
博后 崖州湾国家实验室

Submission Author
沈昱 华中农业大学
孙嘉豪 华中农业大学
王磨阳 华中农业大学
胡明阳 崖州湾国家实验室
徐志祥 华中农业大学
齐晓龙 崖州湾国家实验室
刘鹏选 华中农业大学
周泓宏 崖州湾国家实验室
孙戈 华中农业大学
李礼 华中农业大学
朱猛进 华中农业大学
赵云霞 华中农业大学;崖州湾国家实验室
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