Timetable of The 11th International Symposium on 3D Genomics


Day 2,Nov. 01, 2024Friday



2024-11-01 08:00 ~ 12:00

Mangrove Tree Resort World Sanya Bay A厅

Timetable V7 Updated:2024-10-29 14:34:15

Start End Duration ID Title
08:00 08:20 20 开幕式 (Opening Ceremony)
主持人:阮一骏 (Moderator: Yijun Ruan)
08:20 08:50 30 23
Fossils of Ancient Chromosomes
Erez Lieberman Aiden/美国贝勒医学院 (Baylor College of Medicine, USA)
Keynote speech
08:50 09:20 30 24
Sex and Chromatin Conformation
Jenny Marshall Graves /澳大利亚拉筹伯大学 (La Trobe University, Australia)
Keynote speech
09:20 09:50 30 25
Pitfalls and Missing-links in Our Current Understanding of 4D Genomes
Michael Q. Zhang/美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校 (The University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
Keynote speech
09:50 10:10 20 合 影;茶 歇 (Photo & Tea Break)
主持人:王艇 (Moderator:Ting Wang)
10:10 10:40 30 26
Decoding chromatin reprogramming in early mammalian development
颉伟 (Wei Xie)/清华大学 (Tsinghua University)
Keynote speech
10:40 11:10 30 27
Human-specific evolutionary innovations of gene regulation during brain development
宿兵 (Bing Su)/中国科学院昆明动物研究所 (Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Keynote speech
11:10 11:40 30 70
3D genome regulation in development and diseases
李程 (Cheng Li)/北京大学 (Peking University)
Keynote speech
11:40 12:10 30 83
Comparative Genomic Characterization of Human Accelerated Regions in Excitatory Neurons
沈音 (Yin Shen)/加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校 (University of California, San Francisco, USA)
Keynote speech
12:10 12:30 20 休息(break)
12:30 14:00 90 自助午餐(Buffet Lunch)


2024-11-01 14:00 ~ 18:10

Mangrove Tree Resort World Sanya Bay B1厅

Timetable V9 Updated:2024-10-29 11:28:21

Start End Duration ID Title
Afternoon (Session 1): 表观与三维基因组 (Epigenetics and 3D Genome)
主持人:丁俊军 (Moderator: Junjun Ding)
14:00 14:30 30 30
Reversing back to totipotency through chromocenter and 3D genome remodeling
裴端卿 (Duanqing Pei)/西湖大学 (Westlake University)
Invited speech
14:30 15:00 30 31
Mechanism of Oncogenic Condensate Formation and Drug Intervention
赵蔚 (Wei Zhao)/中山大学 (Sun Yat-sen University)
Invited speech
15:00 15:20 20 32
CTCF-mediated 3D genome topology drives craniofacial morphogenesis
卞迁 (Qian Bian)/上海交通大学医学院 (Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine)
Invited speech
15:20 15:35 15 33
Exploring the roles of RNAPII in genome organization
张舒 (Shu Zhang)/广州医科大学 (Guangzhou Medical University)
Invited speech
15:35 15:50 15 34
Extrachromosomal Circular DNA in 3D Genome Architecture and Transcriptional Regulation
朱艳芬 (Yanfen Zhu)/浙江大学 (Zhejiang University)
Invited speech
15:50 16:00 10 茶 歇 (Tea Break)
主持人:赵蔚 (Moderator: Wei Zhao)
16:00 16:30 30 35
Catalytic-Independent Function of Histone Demethylase for Stem Cell Fate
丁俊军 (Junjun Ding)/中山大学 (Sun Yat-sen University)
Invited speech
16:30 16:50 20 36
How do multiple enhancers control the same gene?
黄佳良 (Jialiang Huang)/厦门大学 (Xiamen University)
Invited speech
16:50 17:10 20 37
Pcf11/Spt5 condensates stall RNA polymerase II to regulate gene-looping
俞洋 (Yang Yu)/广州医科大学附属妇女儿童医疗中心 (Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center)
Invited speech
17:10 17:30 20 38
Lightening the genome structure to understand its biological function
董鹏 (Peng Dong)/中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院(Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Invited speech
17:30 17:50 20 39
CTCF' s loop-independent roles dominate its chromatin looping function
胡功成 (Gongcheng Hu)/广州实验室 (Guangzhou Laboratory)
Invited speech
17:50 18:10 20 40
Decoding 3D genome folding principles using mitotic chromosomes
张浩岳 (Haoyue Zhang)/深圳湾实验室 (Shenzhen Bay Laboratory)
Invited speech
18:10 18:30 20 休息 (Break)
18:30 22:00 210 欢迎晚宴 (Welcome Dinner) 地点:会议中心三楼CD厅 (Location: Conference Center, 3rd Floor, Hall CD) / Editors face-to-face 主持人:高军涛 (Chair: Juntao Gao)

分会场二:单细胞三维基因组 / 三维基因组学在农业生物学中的应用

2024-11-01 14:00 ~ 18:10

Mangrove Tree Resort World Sanya Bay B2厅

Timetable V6 Updated:2024-10-27 16:44:53

Start End Duration ID Title
主题:单细胞三维基因组 主持人:邢栋、柴皓曦
14:00 14:30 30 41
Structure and Function of Eukaryotic Genomes
邢栋 (Dong Xing)/北京大学 (Peking University)
Invited speech
14:30 14:50 20 42
Spatial epigenome for understanding development and tumor
彭广敦 (Guangdun Peng)/中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院 (Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Invited speech
14:50 15:10 20 43
Meeting of the Single Cell and the 3D Genome: A Revolution Led by Multi-omics Technologies
康靖民 (Jingmin Kang)/深圳华大智造科技股份有限公司 (BGI Research)
Invited speech
15:10 15:25 15 44
Explore 3D chromatin structures in mammalian brains with single-cell spatial Hi-C method
陈雪鹏 (Xuepeng Chen)/广州实验室 (Guangzhou Laboratory)
Invited speech
15:25 15:40 15 45
15:40 15:50 10 46
Mind blowing science enabled by industry-leading single cell & spatial technologies
罗昕 (Xin Luo)/Sr. Science & Technology Advisor (STA), China, 10x Genomics
Oral Presentation
15:50 16:00 10 茶歇
主题:三维基因组学在农业生物学中的应用 主持人:吕文发
16:00 16:25 25 47
Epigenetic Regulation of Sex Determination in Fish: The Interplay Between Environment and Genes
邵长伟 (Changwei Shao)/中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 (Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute)
Invited speech
16:25 16:50 25 48
The Multi-omics Approaches for Dissecting the Mechanisms of Skeletal Muscle Development and Meat Production Trait Formation in Pigs
唐中林 (Zhonglin Tang)/中国农业科学院深圳农业基因组研究所/佛山鲲鹏现代农业研究院 (Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences)
Invited speech
16:50 17:15 25 49
Development mechanism and genetic improvement of fish intermuscular bones
高泽霞 (Zexia Gao)/华中农业大学 (Huazhong Agricultural University)
Invited speech
17:15 17:35 20 50
Development of aChIP for Economically Important Plant Organs and the Arabidopsis 3D Genome
赵伦 (Lun Zhao)/华中农业大学 (Huazhong Agricultural University)
Invited speech
17:35 17:55 20 51
Predict long distance enhancer activity by nascent RNA level
董志诚 (Zhicheng Dong)/广州大学 (Guangzhou University)
Invited speech
17:55 18:10 15 52
Identification of genetic variants in cis-regulatory elements of the bovine genome
陈宁博 (Ningbo Chen)/西北农林科技大学 (Northwest A&F University)
Invited speech
18:10 18:30 20 休息 (Break)
18:30 22:00 210 欢迎晚宴 (Welcome Dinner) 地点:会议中心三楼CD厅 (Location: Conference Center, 3rd Floor, Hall CD) / Editors face-to-face 主持人:高军涛 (Chair: Juntao Gao)


2024-11-01 14:00 ~ 18:10

Mangrove Tree Resort World Sanya Bay B3厅

Timetable V10 Updated:2024-10-29 11:28:35

Start End Duration ID Title
Afternoon (Session 3): 三维基因组学技术 (新技术、分析工具与AI) (Advanced Technologies in 3D Genome)
主持人: 陈河兵 (Moderator: Hebing Chen)
14:00 14:30 30 97
Cancer 3D genome evolution as a function of epigenetic therapy
王艇 (Ting Wang)/华盛顿大学医学院(Washington University School of Medicine, USA)
Invited speech
14:30 14:50 20 54
14:50 15:10 20 63
Identification and functional exploration of three-dimensional chromatin structures in single cells
叶育森 (Yusen Ye)/西安电子科技大学 (Xidian University)
Invited speech
15:10 15:25 15 56
A dynamic kissing model for enhancer-promoter communication on the surface of transcriptional condensate
张庆 (Qing Zhang)/国家生物信息中心 (China National Center for Bioinformation)
Invited speech
15:25 15:40 15 20
scHiCPRSiM: single-cell Hi-C Practical Rational SiMulator
刘卉灵 (Huiling Liu)/加利福尼亚大学河滨分校 (University of California, Riverside, USA)
Oral Presentation
15:40 15:50 10 58
The Role of Technological Innovation in Advancing Cell Culture
钱俊 (Jun Qian)/上海知楚仪器有限公司(Shanghai Zhichu Instrument Co., Ltd.)
Invited speech
15:50 16:00 10 茶 歇 (Tea Break)
Afternoon (Session 3): 三维基因组学技术 (新技术、分析工具与AI) (Advanced Technologies in 3D Genome)
主持人: 王小滔 (Moderator: Xiaotao Wang)
16:00 16:30 30 59
3D genomics with virus infection
李国亮 (Guoliang Li)/华中农业大学 (Huazhong Agricultural University)
Invited speech
16:30 16:50 20 60
DiffDomain enables identification of structurally reorganized topologically associating domains
田德朝 (Dechao Tian)/中山大学 (Sun Yat-sen University)
Invited speech
16:50 17:10 20 61
Dissecting genome structural community using Graph Neural Networks and Interpretable technique
李昊 (Hao Li)/中国人民解放军军事科学院军事医学研究院 (Academy of Military Medical Sciences)
Invited speech
17:10 17:30 20 62
Simultaneous Profiling of Chromatin-Associated RNA at Targeted DNA Loci and RNA-RNA Interactions through TaDRIM-Seq
李兴旺 (Xingwang Li)/华中农业大学 (Huazhong Agricultural University)
Invited speech
17:30 17:50 20 57
High-resolution panoramic spatial transcriptomics
刘龙奇 (Longqi Liu)/杭州华大生命科学研究院(BGI Research, Hangzhou)
Invited speech
17:50 18:10 20 64
Analysis of 3D genome structure based on artificial intelligence
吕昊 (Hao Lyu)/电子科技大学 (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)
Invited speech
18:10 18:30 20 休息 (Break)
18:30 22:00 210 欢迎晚宴 (Welcome Dinner) 地点:会议中心三楼CD厅 (Location: Conference Center, 3rd Floor, Hall CD) / Editors face-to-face 主持人:高军涛 (Chair: Juntao Gao)
Registration Submission